Sunday, February 27, 2011

Easier to Give than to Receive

The Word of God says " is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)  Non-Christians repeat this portion of scripture like it's theirs... like it's a profound new way of thinking.  What's worse is that it's usually put in a context of false humility after giving a nice gift of some kind.  Sad.

Anyone who has given a gift that the receiver loves knows this verse is true.  There is so much joy in giving my kids the perfect gift at Christmas or giving a friend a little gift that is unexpected.  It's FUN to have that kind of joy from giving.

I learned something yesterday and continued learning it tonight.  Not only is it more blessed to give than to receive, but it's much EASIER to give than to receive.  It is very uncomfortable to receive something for yourself... at least it is for me.  My husband asks "What do you want for Christmas?" and I reply "I don't know.  Nothing really.  I have everything I need and most things I want."  He gets frustrated.  Understandable.  I'd be frustrated too.  I'm getting better at naming exactly what I want from him (after him pleading with me for10 years), but it's still uncomfortable for me.  I know I'm not alone in this... am I??
It causes a problem when I don't ask for help from my friends or ask for prayer from my loved ones.  Why do I do that?  I know that I'm having a hard time with something or that I am having some physical problems, but I don't go to the ones I trust most in my life and say I need HELP!!  Why?  I guess it boils down to pride.  I don't want to be weak or dependent on someone else, so I "deal" with it on my own.  How's that workin' for me, you ask?  Not too well.  It would work a lot better if I had prayer warriors lifting me up.  That's a guarantee.  
One of my friends found out about a physical issue I've been dealing with and her question to me was "How am I supposed to pray for you if I don't know what you need prayer for?"  Good question.  I have no answer.  There is no answer.  She needed to know.  I should have told her.  She needed to be given the opportunity to GIVE and, in turn, be blessed by giving to me.  I think I am being a pest if I ask for prayer.  In actuality,  I am robbing my friend of a blessing when I don't ask.  I think I am being self-sufficient.  In actuality, I need to be dependent on God and His people because that's how he created it to be.  I think that other people have it far worse than I do and I am being a whiner if I say I need help.  In actuality, someone will always have it worse than I do, but that's does not lessen my need and it does not make me a bratty, needy actually makes me mature and humble when I ask for help.

I'd still rather give than receive, but God's showing me that receiving isn't just for's so others can receive too.  I'm still learning...

Lord, help me receive from you and from those around me who are working on Your behalf.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Sometimes it's hard to tell the truth from a lie.  Lies come in all shapes and sizes.

Some are blatant lies and when you hear them, you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing at the person trying to persuade you of its authenticity.  "I used to be an English professor at a major university", says the man who can't spell any word above a 5th grade reading level.  Those are the kinds of lies that are sad and humorous at the same time.  The thing that always baffles me about those kinds of lies is the fact that the liar is obviously assuming that the hearer is a moron.  =/
There are other lies that are sneaky and manipulative in nature.  "I'm sure their parents will be home during the party, mom."  It's believable.  It might even be true.  As a parent, you know to check anyway.  Those sneaky, manipulative lies are the ones that we parents come to expect.  (I am SO happy when I'm proven wrong!)

I used to lie.  I used to lie A LOT!  I lied to be accepted, to stay out of trouble, to lessen the punishment of trouble I was already in, to manipulate and, sometimes, for no real reason at all.  No reason at all... really?  Yep, really.  What could possibly be the reason for lying about what you had for lunch?  Mom asked, "What did you have for lunch today?" and I replied "Pizza" knowing full well that my body was still digesting the hamburger and fries I had ingested a couple hours earlier.  Why did I lie?  I have no idea.  Sometimes I think it was just to see if someone would believe it.  The more people believed the stupid lies, the more confidence I gained in my ability to lie.  So then I got braver with my lies.  It was a never ending cycle.
Praise God, I don't have that issue anymore.  I find the truth liberating and I find honesty refreshing.  That's why I love being around kids...especially ages 2-5.  They have no idea how to be "politically correct" or careful with their words.  They tell it like it is.  What a welcome break from adult rhetoric that is!   I don't have to guess how they feel and I LOVE that!!

If you are reading this, and I have hurt you in the past by lying to you, please accept this as my sincere apology.  I know I hurt many people with my lies and it's a regret that I live with daily.  No, I don't think I'm blowing this out of proportion... lies hurt.  There's a reason why God hates lies.

Truth is always the best policy.  Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it's hard, but it's still God's design.  Of course there is wisdom and tact and they should absolutely play a part in the telling of the truth to someone.  Sugar coat it if necessary, but tell the TRUTH.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just the Beginning

My brain is always full of things to say, but I don't always say them.  Why?  It depends really.  Sometimes I think what's in my brain would sound stupid if it came out of my mouth.  Other times I realize that just because I'm thinking it doesn't mean that it should come out of my mouth.  Sometimes it's because I have no one to tell or no real outlet for that thought.  And, if I were completely honest, I would admit that I feel like maybe God is trying to speak through me and I am too busy arguing MY point about being stupid or irrelevant to actually obey Him.

That is where this blog comes in.  This is my outlet.  This is where I will lay it all on the line and get real with some things.  I'm still a tad bit apprehensive.  I mean, this is all about ME and MY thoughts and MY experiences.  Who's gonna care?  Maybe no one.  Maybe someone.  Definitely not everyone.  If I've already lost you and you're saying "I don't care!!", then you have my apologies and you are excused from reading any further in my blog space.  Ever.  No really... don't humor me... don't read anymore.  It will prevent you and I from experiencing undo frustration.  =D

You may be wondering about the title of my blog.  Misty's Brain Drain.  My husband came up with that.  I told him I was going to start a blog and that I was trying to come up with a title for it.  I stated that I had thought of  "Misty Unleashed", "Inside My Head", "Deep Thoughts by Misty" or "All Kinds Of Stuff".   I was still seriously considering "Misty Unleashed", but I was afraid it would sound a little too doggy... and with a name like Misty, I have been compared to people's pets my entire life.  I wasn't completely sold on that title.  Sam, my hubby of almost 11 years, said "Misty's Brain Drain".  I laughed and then thought that it fit perfectly with what I was planning on doing.  This was my outlet to drain the stuff in my brain.  A title was born.  Thanks Sam!

Just so you are prepared for what's to come, I feel like I should warn/prepare you.  I am very open with my life and my feelings.  Of course there are those things in my life that I will keep private.  Believe me, there are things you would THANK me to keep private.  =)
I will not be crude, gross, nasty, vulgar or disrespectful.  I will in no way, shape or form, EVER say anything on here that will compromise my beliefs.  First and foremost, I am a daughter of God... saved by Jesus Christ through His grace and mercy and I am His disciple.  In everything I do and say, I will try my best to honor Him and never cause Him shame because I love my Savior.  After that, I am a wife and mother.  I will never say anything on here that would bring my family shame either because I love my family.
All of that said, I am still a real human being with (sometimes) messed up thoughts and feelings.  I am discovering new things about myself and my loved ones everyday.  Sometimes they are things full of joy and wonder.  Other days I want to just hide away from it all.  I feel angry, sad, hurt, disappointed, lonely and scared.  I also feel full of joy, peace, gratitude, love and hope.  The really confusing times are when I feel several of these things at once.
This is what my blog will be about.

I hope to listen to what God is saying to me.  I hope someone gets something out of my ramblings.  I pray that God will use my words for His purpose.

Until next time,