Sometimes it's hard to tell the truth from a lie. Lies come in all shapes and sizes.
Some are blatant lies and when you hear them, you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing at the person trying to persuade you of its authenticity. "I used to be an English professor at a major university", says the man who can't spell any word above a 5th grade reading level. Those are the kinds of lies that are sad and humorous at the same time. The thing that always baffles me about those kinds of lies is the fact that the liar is obviously assuming that the hearer is a moron. =/
There are other lies that are sneaky and manipulative in nature. "I'm sure their parents will be home during the party, mom." It's believable. It might even be true. As a parent, you know to check anyway. Those sneaky, manipulative lies are the ones that we parents come to expect. (I am SO happy when I'm proven wrong!)
I used to lie. I used to lie A LOT! I lied to be accepted, to stay out of trouble, to lessen the punishment of trouble I was already in, to manipulate and, sometimes, for no real reason at all. No reason at all... really? Yep, really. What could possibly be the reason for lying about what you had for lunch? Mom asked, "What did you have for lunch today?" and I replied "Pizza" knowing full well that my body was still digesting the hamburger and fries I had ingested a couple hours earlier. Why did I lie? I have no idea. Sometimes I think it was just to see if someone would believe it. The more people believed the stupid lies, the more confidence I gained in my ability to lie. So then I got braver with my lies. It was a never ending cycle.
Praise God, I don't have that issue anymore. I find the truth liberating and I find honesty refreshing. That's why I love being around kids...especially ages 2-5. They have no idea how to be "politically correct" or careful with their words. They tell it like it is. What a welcome break from adult rhetoric that is! I don't have to guess how they feel and I LOVE that!!
If you are reading this, and I have hurt you in the past by lying to you, please accept this as my sincere apology. I know I hurt many people with my lies and it's a regret that I live with daily. No, I don't think I'm blowing this out of proportion... lies hurt. There's a reason why God hates lies.
Truth is always the best policy. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it's hard, but it's still God's design. Of course there is wisdom and tact and they should absolutely play a part in the telling of the truth to someone. Sugar coat it if necessary, but tell the TRUTH.
I'm loving your blog so far! -Cindy