Friday, March 18, 2011


Oblivious people.  People who are not consciously aware of what is going on around them.   You see them all the time and may even be one yourself.  *gasp!*  You are so wrapped up in whatever YOU have going on that you miss life happening all around you.

One of my pet peeves is to be in the grocery store and have some woman take up the entire aisle as if she owns it... completely unaware of the crowds standing around her.  We just want her to choose her peanut butter and get out of the way!  An aware person realizes that there is plenty of room in a grocery store aisle for two carts to go through in opposite directions.  Think traffic on the road... this is how it should be done.  The oblivious person walks with her cart directly in the middle of the aisle so that she can get to things on both sides more conveniently.  The oblivious person is demonstrating her belief that it's "all about me" and could care less that you are even in existence.  So annoying!

Sometimes I wish I were more oblivious.  Let's face it... it's easier.

*I want to cry for the woman in the checkout lane who has a newborn and just gave the cashier WIC vouchers and everyone in line behind her just looked at their watch and sighed a sigh of inconvenience.
*I want to go to the grocery store and get enough food for the weekend for the homeless man holding up a sign stating he's hungry and will do work for food.
*I want to smack the woman who swears at her child and calls them stupid.
*I want to hug the addict who is at the end of their rope and is relying on the hope that other people hold for him because he has none of his own left to hold on to.

If I were oblivious, I wouldn't notice these things and they wouldn't bother me as much as they do.

God didn't make me oblivious.  Actually, I don't think He made ANYONE oblivious... we make ourselves that way.  Pride, pain, resentment, anger, foolishness... all these and more can make you oblivious to the truth going on around you.

Start paying attention.  Take a moment to look around you and see what God sees.  Make it a point to NOT be oblivious today.  What do you see?  What should you do about it?



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