This particular blog is something that's been brewing for a while. Bear with me cause I know what I'm going to try to say, but it may take a minute to get there.
I am an incredibly blessed woman. I know this for sure. Besides the obvious blessings like a home, car, kids, clothes, food and salvation, (definitely NOT in that order) I have an extra blessing. A fantastic family. I am constantly saddened by those friends who have awful family relationships. My heart goes out to them when I know they must "endure" a get together at holiday time or for birthdays. It's so sad to me that they can't enjoy their family. It makes me realize that my family is not normal in that it is (for the most part) very happy and healthy. I added the in-parenthesis-statement because we have our spats, but it always ends in love and forgiveness. We are not a bitter group of people and we do not hold grudges or throw people's pasts in their faces. We move on and love deeply the best we know how.

I remember when I was told that the only dad I had ever known wasn't my "real" dad. It was after I had asked my mom about the birds and the bees (wink wink) and she finished the little talk with "God intended this for marriage. He doesn't want you to have sex before marriage." I instantly remembered seeing home movies of me AT MY PARENTS WEDDING! Whaaaaa?? So naturally, I asked "Why did you and dad?" Mom said "Let's pray." I instantly began to cry because I could sense something big was about to happen. Dad was working the night shift and they had always planned on telling me together. Here she was having to tell me with no support. That had to have been so hard... She told me about Dan and about their teen years together and how they really cared for each other, but God had something else in store for me. I was a little bit on overload I think. I don't remember a whole lot more about that night.
I do remember the next day though. We were having hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch. Mom said we needed more buns. Dad was getting ready to leave and get more. He said, "Hey Mist, you wanna go with me?" YEAH! I jumped in the car with him and headed to the store. Then he spoke. I can almost hear him now.... "I heard you and your mom had a talk last night. I wish I could've been there. I just want you to know that I don't care that you're not considered my "blood" daughter. You will always be my daughter. Nothing will ever change that." I remember crying. I remember feeling so secure. I also remember feeling like no one was loved like I was. After all, he didn't have to love me... he chose to love me.
Through the years, the relationship I have with each of them has changed. Daddy is still my daddy. He's an amazing man and I thank God for allowing me to have him in my life every day. He's an amazing Pappaw to my kids and he loves spending time with them. He's a fantastic husband and has set an example of what a husband should look like. (He spoils my mom rotten!) ;) I love him so much.
The relationship between me and Dan began slowly, nervously. I was very aware of how protective Dad was of me and I didn't want to hurt him or make him feel like he was being replaced. But at the same time, I had a deep seated urge to meet my biological father. I was beginning to wonder if I laughed like him (I do), if I walked like him (I do), if I would see myself in his eyes if I looked at him (and I do). It was an overwhelming desire that I couldn't identify at the time. I remember meeting him for the first time. He had flown in from Florida just to meet me. I was nervous. He was even more nervous! I wanted him to be proud of me. He wanted me to not be disappointed in him. It was so bizarre!! And it was completely exhilarating! I wanted to know as much about him as possible.
Long story short, today, Dan is a fantastic man to have in my life. Dan is my friend and my family. He's sober, happy, and serving Jesus with his whole heart. He has great advice and it's from a perspective I am unfamiliar with (which makes it very valuable!). He has taught me a LOT about living a life of deep gratitude and living in the moment. He is a loving, compassionate man and he is a blessing to many people in his life. He is priceless to me. I love him too!!
There are things that I inherited from my father that I couldn't have from my dad. There are things that I have gained from the environment my dad provided that I couldn't have gotten from my father. God has used ALL of these things. God knew that He needed a certain DNA and a certain environment to make a "ME". And He wants that "ME" to do a specific job that he designed just for "ME" to do! How cool is that???? The love that I receive from each of them and feel for each of them is a huge bonus! :)
DNA vs. Environment. What was given to me on the day of my birth and what did I learn from my environment?
As a follower of Christ, I must continually ask myself "Is this from my environment (the sinful world I live in, the yuck of this world) or is this my FATHER'S DNA?" To keep my heart pure, I have to always always always strive to reflect the DNA of my Heavenly Father. His very essence is love. It can't be anything but love. Anything contrary to love would be out of His character. I fail daily in keeping with His character... but I'm working on it and getting better at listening to the Holy Spirit when he lets me know my epic failures are not in line with my Father. I don't want to be a product of my worldly environment, but of my Heavenly Father's DNA. **
I was blessed abundantly with AMAZING MEN in my life... a Daddy, a biological father, and two wonderful fathers-in-law... not to mention the grandpas that taught me so much and loved me deeply and the uncles who are still encouraging to me. But nothing, absolutely NOTHING compares to the love of my Heavenly Father. And it's His DNA, His essence, His example I am seeking to follow for the rest of my life.
**All of you science geeks out there reading this... I know I'm using "DNA" scientifically incorrect in the end. Get over it. You know what I mean.** ;)
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